The modern city environment is, unfortunately, not often friendly according to the human being on the point of view of the increased levels of noise and vibration. These irritative factors influence the psycho and emotional state of a human being negatively, and in long-time perspective, they influence his/her health negatively. The project design of the new-built and also the full repair and reconstruction of the existing buildings must be made with taking into consideration the conditions of creating the favorable acoustic environment for a human being.
The requirements to the acoustic comfort start with the General Plan and are over on the so-called small details as the door sill and the number of the compaction circuits of the window cases. Everything is important to make the home quiet: the walls and the separations thickness, their material, presence of the floating floors in the floorings, the correctly constructed engineering equipment and the pipelines, the location of the ventilation channels, wells and others. Even an experienced architect is not always able to foresee by himself the complete list of the arrangements to create the necessary acoustic comfort in the human environment.
The task of the professional project on the construction acoustics is to combine the complex solutions on the sound and vibro absorption of the premises which not only meet the requirements of the valid regulatory documents but create the real acoustic comfort in the premises.