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Acoustic measurements and calculations

The natural acoustic measurements, like medical laboratory research, allow to "diagnose" in a correct way, and, what is the most important, to make an accurate forecast for the results of the "treatment". The measurements made by the employees of the company, define the correspondence of the actual acoustic characteristics to the required ones and allow to estimate independently the effectiveness of the executed sound absorbing arrangements.

To execute the science acoustic research necessary for the quality execution of the projects the company has its own science and technical department, which possesses a complex of the modern means for the acoustic measurements (the system of the small reverberant chambers, precision sound level meters, the sources of the noise, vibrant exciters and acoustic interferometric analyzers).

The robotized system of measurements allows obtaining the data about the acoustic characteristics of the samples of sound isolating or sound absorbing constructions within one hour, which influences the speed, accuracy and effectiveness of the decisions to be made in the most positive way.

At the same time, the scientific staff of the company develop and introduce new methods and software means to calculate the acoustic characteristics of the constructions and premises. The developed engineering methods allow to fasten the project development process considerably, and, that is the key point, to make the results of it more accurate and reliable. At the execution of the computer modeling of the acoustic characteristics of the premises, our company uses the specialized computer software: EASE 4.4 (to calculate the halls with the electric acoustics) and ODEON 12.12 (to calculate and correct the acoustic characteristics in the halls with the natural sound).